Jukka Niiranen

The Original Power Platform Advisor

Jukka Niiranen

Low-code app maker since 2005.💻
Former CRM wizard.🧙
Microsoft Business Applications MVP 2013-2024.🏆
Co-founded the first Microsoft Power Platform consulting agency in Finland.💼
Expert in governance 🔐 and licensing 💰 topics for Power Platform.

My company: Niiranen Advisory Oy

Successfully adopting a low-code application platform is a long journey. Along the road, you will likely need a variety of expertise and personas to help speed things along. No one person (or partner) can do it alone.Perhaps I could help your organization make the most of its investments in Microsoft business applications? Having worked with this technology stack on a daily basis for nearly two decades, I've seen both the best and worst practices applied.From Dynamics CRM to Dynamics 365 CE, from XRM to Power Platform, from PowerApps to Power Apps - the only constant on the product side is change. On the people side, the challenge is rather how slowly things change.I've spent my entire adult life working in the cross section of technology and business. Making sense of Microsoft's tech jargon & making use of Microsoft's vast app cloud is what I do best. If you want to talk about these, get in touch.

Read my perspectives

I've recently started a newsletter called Perspectives on Power Platform. My intention is to share my personal insights about both the tech and people side of MS business applications ecosystem.

Jukka Niiranen

To receive updates related to Niiranen Advisory and my road ahead, please leave your email address below to subscriber to the newsletter. I won't spam you with irrelevant offerings or sell your data anywhere, because I've got better things to do with my time.

Get connected / get in touch

Some of you may already be familiar with my personal blog at jukkaniiranen.com. Those think pieces aren't going anywhere.Likewise, if you're on LinkedIn and follow Microsoft Power Platform people, you may have come across my hot takes on all things low-code & MSFT. I ain't planning on stopping those either.If you want to reach out to me directly, please leave a message below and I'll see if I could help you. Cheers!

© Niiranen Advisory Oy. All rights reserved.

Thank You

I'll be in touch with you as soon as I can.